Welcome to mmotank, my friends, I truly feel unhappy about the losses in MapleStory, that makes me really very dispirited. You men can never understand what happens to my computer keyboard with walnut running when alt-tabbed. Anyways. He exchanged the pendant back to a few of my IRL friends who was paying for the scroll service and also the person who was also helping me CSS the failed slots. When it was all done and finished, my IRL friend Maplestory Items subsequently exchanged the ring back to me, to which it said Hammers Applied: 0 as it initially said Hammers Applied: two(MAX).
Again, no other stock had hammers applied to it. It was the exact same pendant with exactly the exact same crappy epic potential lines. It'd make absolutely zero sense for a trusted guildmate/friend to randomly cube/innocent-scroll or mess around with my item. I strongly doubt that it was due to a sort of failure because an innocent scroll could have reset the successful Gollux scrolls that functioned during the service. No, something happened during the transaction in which the hammer slots have been lost.I understand you cannot comprehend in-game code failing and generating mind-boggling glitches such as gaining so much EXP that instead of gaining the quantity maplestory mesos you are supposed to, you obtain a large whopping 0. However, such bugs do exist, and I am telling you exactly what happened.
There is no reason to naive scroll a product with all slots accessible. An innocent buy Maplestory Mesos scroll that's implemented after successful scrolls will wipe everything. The successful enchantments weren't wiped, meaning just CSS were used. Hammer slots disappeared. End. Of. Story. I cannot create this point any better, call me a liar, tell us that we're wrong and the coding is right. This just verifies that what we say does not matter. I'm glad you asked, but you did not accept the chance that you guys are incorrect, or an error occurred on the server-side of things because I explained how ridiculous it would be for any of us to make that mistake. 8 slots. All slots available. Traded to get Gollux scroll services. CSS used. Once they completed upgrading to +6 with Gollux scrolls, they exchanged it back to me. Hammer slots were gone.
We can still find the enhancements in MapleStory, that's the pride of Nexon. Tell me why anyone would innocent scroll a product with powerful enchantments simply to re-do it over again? None would provide a reason, since this is zero motive amd it just occurs.