
Thanos has arrived in Fortnite: Battle Royale, marking both the  fortnite items games' first foray into branded content and, appropriately enough, one of the greatest forays into branded articles this side of Goldeneye 64. The mode drops the Infinity Gauntlet onto the normal Fortnite map also lets one lucky player take on the mantle of the massive supervillain -- until they die. Here's how you can play as the Mad Titan in Fortnite: Battle Royale's Infinity Gauntlet style.

To begin with, you will have to select the exceptional mode from the menu in the reduced right-hand corner of the screen. In case you could not suss it out, Infinity Gauntlet is what you're searching for. It's a solo manner, since Thanos is not really the squadding type.

With the game selected, things will begin basically like any other match, so just pick a spot, drop down, and loot up. Whether or not you'll become Thanos in the start of the game mostly comes down to fortune: that the Infinity Gauntlet will drop down somewhere on the map, and whomever is nearby will likely go catch it. It shows up on both the radar and map, so anticipate a fight if you are near it. Whoever picks up the Gauntlet transforms into the Mad Titan: huge, tough, and strong.

If you are not Thanos at there, guess what you've got to do? Kill Thanos. Easier said than done, obviously. Like the Gauntlet before him, Thanos appears on both the radar and map, so that he won't be all that hard to find. He is also larger than a standard player, so it's a little bit simpler for your aiming-impaired to take a shot at him. Still, do not expect to live. He has a typical punch, a ray that fires from his gauntlet, along with the capability to jump in  poe reddit the air and slam down using a crackling blue effect. He also can hover up there and fire his laser -- he's surprisingly nimble for a such a large monster.

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